Child Abuse & Neglect

Specialty Care

Child Abuse & Neglect

Wayne Pediatrics provides comprehensive care that includes a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of child abuse, sometimes referred to as child abuse and neglect. Considered serious public health problems, child abuse and neglect are any adverse experience against a child under the age of 18, including physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse and neglect, by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role (such as a religious leader, a coach, a teacher) that results in harm, the potential for harm, or threat of harm. Wayne Pediatrics works in partnership with local community agencies including Kids-TALK Children's Advocacy Center to deliver quality services for affected children including:

  • A safe, neutral and child-friendly location for a child to tell their story.
  • Trauma-focused therapy for children to process their trauma and learn healthy coping skills.
  • Child and family support to optimize health and help begin healing.

A child’s well-being is important, and our pediatric child abuse and neglect experts understand this. They are dedicated to preventing and eliminating the effects of child abuse on a child’s life and creating greater awareness.

 Kids-TALK Children's Advocacy Center
Phone Number:
(313) 833-2970

Melanie Richards, MSW, director

Kids-TALK Building Sign
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